Friday, January 25, 2013

Church-Home Partnerships

Church-Home Partnerships through HillsideKids

One of our core values of HillsideKids is the Church-Home Partnership or also known as Partnering with Parents.   Let me explain what this means for you as a parent within HillsideKids, why it is important and why you may want to explore this partnership more fully.

The core belief behind Partnering with Parents is that a parent is the primary educator and caregiver to their child.  That in God’s perfect plan, parents are set up for success in guiding their children physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.   In light of this core belief, the role of the church becomes more of a support and equipping system for parents, a resource to enable parents to do what God has designed them to do.  A support network for encouragement because this is not an easy task.  We want to be available for you as much as we want to be available for your kids.

For those of you who grew up in a church context, this question is often best understood in the terms of what the church doesn’t do anymore.   The church isn’t the sole owner of all things Biblical.  The days of turning your kids over to a Sunday School teacher and never having to teach your kids from the Bible yourself are no longer valid or Biblical.  This is why at Hillside, we do not offer Sunday School for children.  Some people feel it is semantics, but there are some profound differences that are directly related to how kids learn (brain development) as well as how kids develop social networks. At Hillside, we offer age appropriate environments with small group leaders that continue the dialogue with your kids and their peers that you as parents are having at home.  We are supporting you, saying to your kids the things that good parents say but from an adult friend social position.  We don’t have teachers; we have leaders, people who lead your children through an experience each Sunday morning.  Just like us, kids need to reinforce the message of the weekend throughout the week in order to sustain life change and increase in our belief and understanding about Jesus Christ. 

It is important because without life change brought about by the learning from scriptures and the Holy Spirit, church is reduced to an alternate community for you and your kids to belong and participate.  It is seasonal and not formational.  I saw on YouTube a piece by an organization called “Not a Fan” the other day that made this come home for me: “Are you a fan or a follower?” You can check out the clip for yourself: Our goal is to help every child in our church become a follower and not just a tepid fan of Jesus. 

TOGETHER is better!  It takes both of us working together.  It means that you are doing the hard job of being a Christian Parent with the church equipping you and preparing your child for the journey of faith formation.   The ReThink Group reports that in the average year in the life of the family and they have some amazing statistics used to form what is called the 3000/40 Principle.  The 3000/40 Principle is that at best we may have kids who are consistent to 3 Sundays a month a total of 40 hours per year to lead them in a personal relationship with Christ.  That same kid might have 400 hours per year playing video games and studying, so 40 hours is not much time to influence a child for a lifetime.  Then they looked at the family hours and found that between all the coming and going in a family, time around breakfast, dinner, bath time, bedtime and time in the car most families had roughly 3000 hours per year of unstructured time.   One of the goals of partnering with parents is to help parents to maximize those 3000 hours and point their kids toward sound Biblical teaching and Christian worldview.  To have parents lead their children as the spiritual heads of their home and to help children choose to become Christ-followers, not just fans.

Every effort is made to increase a parent’s knowledge and put a few key tools into their hands each month. 

ParentCue Take Home Papers are handed out each month to help facilitate these faith-based conversations.   They are to empower you as the parent to lead your child though questions and activities that you can do in a variety of ways throughout each week of the month.  In UpStreet & Avenue252, parents also receive a weekly devotional called GodTime.  It is for use as a daily devotional for the older child or as a devotional for the entire family.

ParentCue App.  Download to get the lesson taught the previous Sunday plus  a few great extras like our weekly Bible Story video, take home papers, parenting tips and additional ideas of things you can do with your kids during all those special times (car time, bath time, meal time, bed time) during your day.  It’s available from the AppStore or the Play Store for a one-time small download fee of $1.99.

The HillsideKids Blog contains ongoing content like this article as well as posts about what is happening in the life of our church for kids.  Currently on the blog is an article about one of our core values: Church-Home Partnerships through HillsideKids. Click here to subscribe. Or cut and paste the URL into your browser:

HillsideKids Facebook Page where photos and snippets of the kids show up from time to time along with information about upcoming events.  It can be a  great way to connect to other parents at Hillside.  Please “LIKE” our page by clicking here! Or cut and paste the URL into your browser:

The Parenting Course. Boundaries with Kids is offered once or twice a year at Hillside to allow parents the opportunity to work intentionally on parenting and develop a few new tools for their parenting toolbox.  Next offering will be in April/May.

All of these items add to our Partnering with Parents and are intentional to putting you, the parent, in the driver’s seat of your kid’s faith development.  May our Good Lord and Savior give us all a heart of courage and boldness, strength and endurance for the race set before us! 

On the parenting journey with you!

Terri Woodard, Pastor
Kids & Families
Hillside Church of Marin

Photo Courtesy of The ReThink Group, Inc. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.

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