Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Children's Choirs at Hillside are coming!

The interest in the Children's Choirs that are being formed at Hillside has been outstanding.  Unfortunately, the timing of performing on Easter Sunday isn't going to work this year for most of our families.

We are still going to form two distinct children's choirs moving forward - one will be for Preschool-PreKindergarten children ages 3-6 years old but not yet in Kindergarten and will be called the HillsideKids Preschool Choir.  The second group will be our HillsideKids Elementary Choir for Kindergarten through Fifth Graders.  If there are enough of the Third through Fifth Graders, we will brake them off into their own choir so that they may have some music theory along with learning songs and maybe some simple choreography for the right songs.

So if you did not receive an email from me inviting you to sign up for the Children's choirs that are forming, please send me an email or post on this blog site that you are interested and for what children in your family.  Also, please check with the church office to make sure that the correct email address is on file.

A short gathering of families interested in the choirs for their children will be held following the 9:30am Service shortly after Easter to set up a rehearsal and performance schedule.  Those families signing up for the choirs will receive an email notification regarding the exact date of this gathering. So please make sure you let me know that you are interested. 

In an effort to limit unwanted correspondence, only those who express an interest in their child participating in the choirs will receive specific information regarding future choir gatherings.  General information will be available through the usual channels (newsletters, bulletins, website, blog and Facebook page for HillsideKids).  You may opt-in anytime via email to me with your request.

We are really looking forward to adding this ministry to Hillside Church of Marin's Family Ministry.


1 comment:

  1. Hi terry
    Adriana is interested. Keep us updated. I don't thnk Mateo s interesed.

